Clearing a Personal Shipment

Personal 2018-04-24T19:32:54+00:00

Shouldn’t receiving your order be as simple as buying it?

Unreturned phone calls. Up-front costs. High brokerage fees. These are just a few of the inevitabilities when it comes to hiring a Customs Broker for your one-time personal import. At Clearit USA, we have done away with all of that.

Account Creation
No more waiting for a “representative” to call you back and fax you document to sign. Who owns a fax machine these days anyways? Clearit uses a step-by-step process to create your account and digital signatures to complete your mandatory power of attorney or potential government agency forms. “Up-front” fees? Let’s be honest, if someone asks for money up front, they are just as weary of their product or service as you are. At Clearit USA, there are no account creation costs or up-front fees whatsoever. You are billed per import/export when service is rendered.

Customer Service
Have a question about a potential import/export? Chat with one of our LIVE Customs Certified Agents located at the bottom right of your screen. Specific question about your pending cargo? Each request for a Customs Clearance comes with an online support ticket featuring LIVE instant messaging with your assigned agent.

Wondering how you can pay for our service without delaying the process? Relax, it’s the 21st Century, we take all major credit cards & EMTs.

So what are you waiting for? Hit the Get Started button and let Clearit get to work.

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