Upload shipment details & documents
Submit a clearance ticket online, we'll need some basic details, a commercial invoice and any related documents available.
Don't worry if you don’t have all the requested documents or info, when getting started. It can be updated at any time.
Collaborate with your personal agent
After submitting a clearance you will have access to your online workspace (ticket) where you can chat in real time with your agent, update any missing documents & check the status of your clearance.
This space will stay active throughout the life of your shipment
We process your clearance
Once your agent has confirmed they have all the necessary info and documents, everything is submitted to U.S. Customs electronically for release.
Clearit USA files all customs entries via secure EDI Link.
Your shipment is released
Upon successful authorization, we process your credit card on file and your goods are released! Ready for final destination.
Need delivery to your final destination?
We can handle it directly. Just ask your agent!
Be sure to speak with your vendor and find out the status of your ISF filing.
Be sure to forward the notice to your broker to ensure a smooth release.
Be sure to notify your transportation provider that Clearit USA is your customs broker