18 03, 2020

Importing Commercial Samples Into the U.S.

By | 2023-11-08T00:05:12+00:00 March 18th, 2020|Forms and Documents, U.S. Customs|

During the product development and/or business development portion of being an importer, there are many cases in which you would want to move commercial samples into the US (if you haven’t done so already!). Sampling of goods and prototypes is a common request of manufacturers and exporters by US-based importing [...]

21 09, 2019

Bringing Pets into the U.S.

By | 2023-11-08T00:05:48+00:00 September 21st, 2019|Forms and Documents, U.S. Customs|

Do you plan on traveling with your furry friend? Or maybe you’re interested in buying a little companion from overseas. Either way, you probably have some questions about getting pets over the border. There are a few things you’ll need to understand about bringing pets into the U.S. before you [...]

13 09, 2019

Importing Cars To The U.S.

By | 2023-11-08T00:05:48+00:00 September 13th, 2019|Forms and Documents, U.S. Customs|

These days, many people are interested in importing cars to the U.S. for personal use. Some might think it’s a daunting task not worth undertaking, especially when so many kinds of cars are readily available in the U.S. already. However, there are actually three common reasons why someone might want [...]

23 08, 2019


By | 2024-04-01T13:52:50+00:00 August 23rd, 2019|Forms and Documents|

When traveling, it makes sense to many people to carry some cash on them. You never know when you’ll encounter a vendor who doesn’t accept debit or credit. Other times, travelers may choose to exchange their money to foreign currency before they leave. Whatever the reason, traveling with cash is [...]

15 08, 2019

Temporary Import Bonds and U.S. Trade Shows

By | 2023-11-08T00:05:50+00:00 August 15th, 2019|Forms and Documents, U.S. Customs|

Trade shows can bring many new and unique challenges for businesses. Whether you’re an experienced importer/exporter or not, participating in a trade show can leave you scratching your head. You may have heard that using a temporary import bond is the right way to go, but what exactly does that [...]

9 08, 2019

How Long Does It Take To Get Through Customs?

By | 2024-03-21T08:03:32+00:00 August 9th, 2019|Forms and Documents, U.S. Customs|

We don’t think there’s anyone in this world who enjoys going through customs. Sure, the excitement of traveling can sometimes ease the pain, but most people would like to get it over with as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, going through customs simply takes as long as it takes and there’s [...]

12 07, 2019

Calculating Landed Costs and Saving Money On Imports

By | 2023-11-08T00:06:35+00:00 July 12th, 2019|Forms and Documents, U.S. Customs|

If you’re in the business of importing and exporting, you’ve probably heard of landed costs. You’ve probably also heard that they’re vital to your shipping operations. But what is a landed cost? Why is it so important to do total landed cost analysis?  We’ll define landed cost, help you with [...]

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